Government Canada

"Safe drinking water is everybody's business. Managing drinking water supplies properly, from the source water to the consumer's tap, takes a great deal of knowledge and coordination among multiple stakeholders--from governments and businesses, to individuals like you and me".

The Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality and the Guideline Technical Documents (formerly known as Guideline Supporting Documents) are developed by the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Committee on Drinking Water and have been published by Health Canada since 1968.

"Canadian drinking water supplies are generally of excellent quality. However, water in nature is never "pure." It picks up bits and pieces of everything it comes into contact with, including minerals, silt, vegetation, fertilizers, and agricultural run-off. While most of these substances are harmless, some may pose a health risk. To address this risk, Health Canada works with the provincial and territorial governments to develop guidelines that set out the maximum acceptable concentrations of these substances in drinking water. These drinking water guidelines are designed to protect the health of the most vulnerable members of society, such as children and the elderly. The guidelines set out the basic parameters that every water system should strive to achieve in order to provide the cleanest, safest and most reliable drinking water possible".

Reviews from Customers

The following are some letters we have received from satisfied customers about the impact that an Eagle Home Water Purification System has caused.
The original letters are held on file at our office and can be verified by interested persons by calling our office.

The names have been removed to protect privacy.

Craig B says
I am writing at this time to praise our new Eagle water treatment system. We've quickly noticed an improvement in everything from how much cleaner our dishes are to how much cleaner we feel stepping out of the shower. ...We have noticed a distinct saving in our grocery bill as well because we have been able to reduce the amount of hand soap, shampoo and cleaning products...

Heather S says
I would like to recommend the Eagle water systems. I have found our water is actually enjoyable to drink, even the kids love the water...

Valerie M says
We have been enjoying our water conditioner for about 6 weeks now. The benefits are numerous. We were spending at least $33 a month on bottled water and now we have great tasting coffee, tea, soup etc from our tap...

Jamara M says
Just wanted to let you know how much our family enjoys our water system. ...My hair is much softer and my skin is not nearly so dry... My two year old's skin was dry and chapped ... I noticed a difference in his skin after only a couple of baths. Now I don't even need to put lotion on!

Patricia d'E says
My biggest beef - white residue on my dark laundry - has disappeared, YEAH. ...we are really pleased with the sales, service and support from Ultimate Pure Water...

The MacM's say
We noticed a difference almost immediately ...our fish are thrilled (the fish tank has never been so clear!)...

Rob and Augusta H say
Although sceptical at first we are pleased we made the decision to purchase this system... we have noticed cleaner, healthier looking skin, fresher feeling clothes and enjoy great tasting water... It is also easy to see the savings when you can wash your hair with a fingertip amount of shampoo!

W. Terrance B says
...Do yourself a favour and waste no time in having "Pure Water" in your home!!

Eugene and Carrol T say
...I have awesome water now, even the cats drinks more water! Seriously! ...I am constantly repeating "I love my water!" Thanks to Eagle water and Alan.

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